
Friday, August 28, 2015

New study shows more people love Windows 10 than hate it

We're closing in on a month since the official launch of Windows 10. Millions of people have had a good amount of time to react to it, and it looks like overall impressions are positive. According to a study done by Brandwatch, which measured the response to Windows 10 on social media, the number of people who love Windows 10 far outnumbers those who hate it.
In all, 92% of responses have been positive, but Brandwatch does note that hostility is growing slightly, with 100 people expressing negative reactions for every 500 the profess a positive experience.

Windows 10 Love vs Hate
BrandWatch also took a look at which features were the most popular according to positive and negative mentions. Cortana is in the lead, with just over 80% of people expressing love for the digital assistant. Following behind Cortana (in order) are Edge, Xbox integration, Start Menu, Multiple Desktops, Action Center, and the taskbar.
At the bottom of the list is the Office Suite, with right around 40% of people in the study expressing a positive experience.

Windows 10 Feature rankings

Keep in mind that this study comes from a relatively small sample size of just 7,000 persons, and is by no means definitive given there are many millions of Windows 10 users out in the wild now. However, the study does provide an interesting look at how Windows 10's features are doing, as well as the OS overall.


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